
Rush Limbaugh Calls Out Reporter for Ashley Madison Report

Rush Limbaugh has hit the news once again and it is sexually related as usual. It has been reported that his show is adding advertisements from the website that promotes adultery known as Ashley Madison. Limbaugh, however, claims that this report is a lie, according to

“There’s only one problem,” said Limbaugh. “We are not running spots or commercials from In fact, when we find that they are running in our program in local markets, we call the local affiliate and tell them don’t run these ads in our show. We do not sponsor companies that help people cheat on their spouses. And right here it is in the Washington Post claiming that we are. Now the people that run Ashley Madison are out saying they’re willing to advertise on our program … but we have not accepted it. … Nor will we ever accept such advertising because you are not jerks.”

The CEO of Ashley Madison has told multiple media outlets that he would buy up all of the empty ad space on Limbaugh’s show, even if it costs $2-$3 million.

“I’m trying to be the opportunistic entrepreneur that I am,” CEO of Ashley Madison, Noel Biderman, said. “He’s clearly a controversial figure, one that to date has refused my overtures to advertise on his show.”

The report was first published in an article in the Washington Post by Alexandra Petri, who Limbaugh went after on his show today.

“You might want to double-check here because you’ve written something that is patently false. It’s an out-and-out lie complete with your b-i-itchy opinion in it, and it is untrue. This is a so-called reporter, Alexandra Petri, who simply accepts false information from a site – probably Media Matters, who knows? – that she trusts.”

Limbaugh finished his diatribe with the following:

“At one time months ago, we considered taking because we know that Bill Clinton listens to this program. So we know one member of the audience cheats on his spouse. Did so in the Oval Office. And in an attempt to perhaps include everybody, we thought maybe we would help out, but we decided no. We didn’t know anybody else in this audience who cheats on their spouse besides Bill Clinton, so we rejected it. … John Edwards listens! There were two of them. … Ted Kennedy listened to the program. … We have never run ads from either of these two companies, we never will.”

Petri posted an apology, of sorts, on her blog at the Washington Post’s website after Limbaugh attacked her on the air. The apology reads as follows:

“The whole point of the piece was that the people most eager to be associated with Rush Limbaugh’s show are – well, advertisers seeking jerks. This has not changed. Look, the longer this goes on, the less it sounds like an apology. And it should be. Why apologize to someone who can’t stop after saying something is inaccurate and has to go on and on impugning you? (At first, it was about who would buy an ad. But Rush was less concerned with the ad than the ad hominem.) Well, when I say something that I regret, I apologize, and I don’t have the luxury of doing it under a picture of me smoking a cigar.”

Article Source : Rush Limbaugh Calls Out Reporter for Ashley Madison Report